Note: '23. Merge k Sorted Lists' appears twice under both 'Heap' and 'Linked List'. Note: similarly named items that cause confusion: 235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree [not in original list] 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 449. Serialize and Deserialize BST [not in original list]
the original 'Blind 75' list: note: 75 items (76 if include duplicates: '23. Merge k Sorted Lists' appears twice): New Year Gift - Curated List of Top 75 LeetCode Questions to Save Your Time - Blind another version of the list with the official indexes and names: note: 76 items (lacks 297, has extra items: 236, 449): Blind 75 Must Do Leetcode - LeetCode video solutions by NeetCode (all 75): Leetcode BLIND-75 Solutions - YouTube videos: 75 duration: 16:28:25 average duration: 13:10 video solutions by Algo Engine (around 30): LeetCode Blind 75 - YouTube videos: 28 duration: 03:13:36 average duration: 06:54