Core Functionality: Multiple Languages

Core functionality demo scripts (yet to be published) (10 languages): AutoHotkey C++ C# Excel VBA Java JavaScript Kotlin PHP Python Swift Planned (6 languages): Excel (built-in/custom sheet functions) Rust Ruby Crystal R Go 35 Tasks: ● hello world ● version number ● assignments and type info ● variable / array key / object property / map key ● function / instance method / class static method ● do some mathematics ● escape characters ● if-statements ● switch statement ● short-circuit Boolean evaluation ● ternary operator ● loops ● loops (break/continue) ● functions ● function parameter default values ● variadic functions and spread operators ● function objects ● bound functions ● arrow functions ● sort comparator functions ● sort by column ● map/reduce/filter ● string interpolation ● multiple assignment ● increment variables ● read and modify (increment variables) ● read and modify (reverse an array) ● read and modify (if-statement) ● functions (modify an array versus return a new array) ● get tick count ● try/catch/finally and throw ● classes ● bitwise ● swap variables (multiple approaches) ● static variables